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Collateral Damage

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:22 pm
by Robbo
Things can get a little wild when the coho fishing heats up here in Southeast Alaska. Flying mooching sinkers are a daily occurrence out there and my luck finally ran out a few days ago. One of the guests had a silver whack his bait on the surface...he swings and misses...and the 4 ounce mooching sinker schwacks one of the VHF antenna's on the boat breaking it in half.
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I installed a new one today and I'm hoping to make it thru my last three days of chartering without any incidents :D

Re: Collateral Damage

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:08 pm
by Brandon
Rob how often do you dodge hooks flying back at you when you try and net a fish. Do you always wear sunglasses while on the boat? Everytime I go to net somebody elses fish its in the back of my head. "God I sure hope these hooks dont fly out and snap in my face." Flasher gear im not that worried but a 4oz sinker and 2 sharp hooks netting 10-30 fish a day all summer you gotta have some crazy stories.

Re: Collateral Damage

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:25 pm
by Robbo
Ya gotta have your head on a swivel that's for sure. Took a hook to the eyeball about ten years ago and fished with one eye for two months. Blind in one eye...that was a fun summer. Took my sunglasses off for 5 minutes in a down pour and that's all it took....dammit man! You get pretty good at seeing where fish are hooked and how the folks are handling them but sometimes chit just happens especially when you're getting swarmed. There are times when I wish I had one of these
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